Physio-led education and exercise programs for midlife women

Welcome to LIFT.

In a health and fitness industry filled with fleeting trends, we're dedicated to something different: longevity.

Our focus is on building strong foundations for women transitioning through midlife and post menopause.

Our mission is simple: to equip you with programs that prioritize healthy movement habits, fostering confidence in yourself and your body.

Our specialised programs combine exercise and education to address the specific needs of women during midlife.


We recognise the struggle to find appropriate exercise tailored to women and their changing bodies. Which is why we've crafted programs that consider all of you!

Join our programs, as we guide you through midlife and menopause with exercise to elevate your physical longevity and enhance your knowledge.

Experience Lift by Liana today and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more confident you.

What we do?